There are three different proceedings that can be utilized to terminate your marriage in Ohio. The first way is a “Dissolution” proceeding. This proceeding requires the preparation of a “Separation Agreement” that resolves all issues between the parties. There can be no disagreement on any issue. Both parties are required to sign all paperwork and also attend a hearing before the Court.
The second type of proceeding is called an “Uncontested Divorce”. This proceeding also requires a “Separation Agreement” with an agreement on all issues between the parties. The main difference is that both parties are not required to appear and an actual Divorce complaint must be filed. Whoever files the complaint as Plaintiff will be required to appear before the Court in order to present evidence.
A “Contested Divorce” is the final type of proceeding. A divorce is contested if one issue or one hundred issues are in controversy. If the Court must resolve any of the issues between the parties then the case is considered contested. Generally, a Contested Divorce is the most costly way to terminate a marriage as it requires more time to be spent by attorneys on both sides of the dispute.