Few things are as crucial as crafting a comprehensive estate plan when planning for the future. This is because an estate plan allows you to articulate your wishes and to help safeguard your loved ones' financial security and ease the burden of decision-making during...
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Estate Planning
Do you need a lawyer to settle an estate in Ohio?
If you have experienced the loss of a loved one, you know there are lots of details to sort through, not least of which is their estate. If you knew what they intended for their estate, you may wonder: do I even need a lawyer to help me with this? The answer is yes....
3 benefits of creating a will early on in life
When people think of wills and estate planning in general, they tend to think of older adults “getting their affairs in order.” It is quite common for people to wait until after they have children or even when they are getting close to retirement before they put...
3 good times to consider modifying your will
Creating a will is a very important step for both your peace of mind and the protection of the people you love. It can help you live your life more comfortably to know that your family members will be advised of your wishes and follow them out if anything were to...
What are the most important things to put in a will?
Of the numerous different estate planning documents, wills are probably the most common. A will is an important tool for your protection and the protection of your family members. Although the exact contents of your will are unique based on your family’s needs, there...
Can you draft your own will?
People often romanticize the idea that someone might leave behind a hidden or handwritten will. The media loves to use the idea of a family member finding a previously unknown, handwritten will tucked under someone’s day planner or hidden in a safe behind a painting...
What is the benefit of having a will when it comes to probate?
Most estate have to go through probate. You may think that because it is likely your estate will have to go through probate anyway, it is not worth the time or expense to have a will created. However, it is almost always better to have a will in place before you die....
How to determine who gets care of your kids in an estate plan
Some people planning out their estates put so much focus on their property that they overlook something far more valuable than simple possessions. A parent with minor children or someone with responsibility for a special needs adult will need to think about...
When a parent dies, do I have to pay off their debts?
There are many people who inherit assets after a loved one dies. They may also have questions, though, about what happens to debts. Will debts also pass onto them, and will they need to repay what was owed? The kind of debt that your loved one had will matter when...
What do Ohio living wills accomplish?
You have carefully thought things through regarding your medical care if you fall into a permanent coma. And you have let family and trusted friends know about your wishes. A series of discussions you had with them should have it all covered. Or so you think. As it...