Honest And Fair Hometown Attorneys With Decades Of Experience



  • We are still working, but our office is not open to the general public. We will be conducting appointments and other business by phone. Call us at 419-468-5044.
  • To drop off papers or payments, please place items in the slot in our back door or call 419-468-5044 to make arrangements.
  • To pick things up, make credit/debit card payments, and conduct other business, call 419-468-5044.
  • We are still receiving our US mail, so you can still send us things.
  • We regret any inconvenience, but everyone’s safety is of utmost importance.

How Do I Post Bond if Arrested?

On Behalf of | Jul 21, 2017 | Uncategorized

Generally, if the Court does not release you on your own recognizance, a monetary amount will be set that can be deposited with the Court to secure your release. Most Courts expect a Defendant to post bond through a bail bondsman. A bail bondsman is someone to whom you pay a fee to post your bond. This fee is generally 10% of the bond amount set by the Court. For example, if the Court sets a bond at $25,000.00, the bondsman will charge you 10% as fee or $2,500.00. This fee is non-refundable. If you post a cash bond yourself, without a bondsman, you would be required to post the entire $25,000.00, in our example, which money would be returned to you as long as you appear for all your Court proceedings.