Almost everyone who talks with an attorney about her or his personal relationships, business dealings, family situation, or other matters or problems, feels a certain amount of reluctance to talk about more personal or private items. However, the lawyer probably knows more than you do about what is important in your matter, from a legal perspective. Your lawyer cannot do as good a job without all relevant facts as can be done with all the relevant facts of your situation. So, if in doubt, you should tell your lawyer what the situation is, even if some of the facts are embarrassing, and even if you are not sure whether or not they will have anything legally to do with the outcome of your matter. Surprise can be a huge problem in a court situation, and you do not want your lawyer to be surprised!
- We are still working, but our office is not open to the general public. We will be conducting appointments and other business by phone. Call us at 419-468-5044.
- To drop off papers or payments, please place items in the slot in our back door or call 419-468-5044 to make arrangements.
- To pick things up, make credit/debit card payments, and conduct other business, call 419-468-5044.
- We are still receiving our US mail, so you can still send us things.
- We regret any inconvenience, but everyone’s safety is of utmost importance.